Sunday 4 January 2015


As a Public Relations student, understanding branding is an industry must. Throughout my degree, it is imprinted into our minds that brand and reputation stand for everything within PR. If you damage your businesses reputation, it'll usually be because you went out of your branding guidelines. This will usually result in crisis management, and if you are an in-house PR, it'll probably be job threatening.

When we think about businesses, certain things usually spring mind. For example, whenever I think of Chanel I usually picture expensive, high-end glamour. I also think of the monochrome CC logo and the chic and tailored clothing they design. This is all because of their branding. To designers like Chanel, branding is everything, and everything they do within the business will be down to their image and reputation within the industry. And who will be behind all of this? The PR's of course.

But it's not just businesses who build themselves up based on their brand image. Celebrities are also classed as 'one big advertisement' because they brand themselves to follow through with an image that people will see. Lady Gaga for example, brands herself through her crazy clothes and whacky stage presence. This is how people view her and how they remember her. This is her brand.

And whether you like it or not, people in society will view and stereotype you. It happens to everyone. Usually people will judge others based on how they look, dress and act, people may disagree with this, but it's how our brains work.

But why should that be an issue? If you want to be a certain way whose to say you can't? If you want to look, dress and act a certain way then do! MAKE IT YOUR BRAND.
Personalising your brand can make you appealing and interesting to future employers. If you want to be known as a kooky girl with a strong personality and crazy dress sense THEN DO IT. It makes you so much more memorable then people with who don't have a powerful personal brand and image.

Being able to understand branding starts with being able to brand yourself. If you are able to come across a certain way and show you understand yourself then businesses will be more likely to employ you. And if they don't? Well then they are the wrong business for you and it's probably a good thing that you don't work for them.

And this brings us back to Public Relations Agencies. There are so many different agencies out there who all have different clients. All these agencies are looking for employers who will be able to fit in with their existing employees, who will understand their clients and be able to respect the reps and brands for each of them.

So if an agency isn't suited towards your look and taste, don't be's probably for the best...x

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