Tuesday 16 December 2014


When managing a fashion brand or business, celebrity endorsements are usually key in generating publicity for the product you are trying to sell. Nothing receives more attention on Instagram then celebrities taking 'selfies' in clothing then tagging the brand, which receives instant publicity and generates circulation. But nowadays when it comes to fashion, celebrities are often taking a back seat in depicting the new season trends, and it is now starting to rest entirely on the bloggers.

Blogging has only recently become a hugely popular aspect of the fashion industry. Nowadays the people behind the blogging industry have more of a stomping ground in the fashion world than anyone else. Since the development of Instagram, bloggers spend the majority of their days photographing themselves, the food they eat, the fashion shows they attend and the people they hang around with. There aesthetically pleasing Instagrams are gaining thousands of followers, which means that they can control the content they post in exchange for money for promotion. They are the endorsers that can make your company, the hardest thing is just finding one which will give you their time. 

All bloggers have different audiences, which means that it is essential that you choose the right one who will market your products in the right way. High-end products should usually be targeted to bloggers that model a lot of designer clothing on their websites and Instagrams. Susie Bubble for example, is one of the UK's most coveted fashion bloggers, she gets receives clothing from the biggest designers (like Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana and Meadham Kirchhoff just to name a few), and she is always FROW at every fashion show from every season. 
However, high street bloggers also receive large attention from followers, due to the affordable but stylish clothing that they wear. Sarah Ashcroft is one of the most recent bloggers that has received an enormous amount of popularity this year due to her wardrobe full of beautiful clothes that the majority of her followers can afford. She is also extremely active on her Instagram which is brilliant for people that admire her style, but don't tend to take time out to read her blog. Whether she even posts an outfit that has been endorsed on her blog rarely matters, as long as it's on her Instagram people will see it, and she will help to generate publicity. 

Designer blogger Susie Bubble vs. High Street blogger Sarah Ashcroft

Regardless of what fashion product you are trying to generate publicity for, there will always be a blogger out there that will be able to help you. They are a fashion PR's best friend, and they are a reliable source of circulation. Companies are now even hiring a 'Blogger Outreach', whose job is to simply scope the most popular fashion bloggers to send them free clothes! Crazy!

BLOGGERS RULE. Remember that...

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